DIY Cardboard House
This week we took a break from filming recipes and decided to film our first post for our shenanigans section of the blog. ‘How to build a cardboard house’.
Finley has had hours of fun in his little house. It’s moved from room to room and changed its appearance more times than Lady Gaga. We’ve dressed it for winter with fake snow and a holly wreath on the door and we’ve got grand plans for summer with a window box. It currently needs a spring clean as it’s also a fantastic place to shove the toys if you get an unexpected visitor.
A few months ago, when we FINALLY decided which car seat to go for and it was delivered, I was like the kids at Christmas…I was more interested in the box!!! Being a teacher I’ve made many a thing from a cardboard box; dinosaurs, castles and robots but this one, THIS one, was perfect for a cardboard house!!! I couldn’t wait. I did my usual trick of Pinteresting the hell out it and drew up my plans. Months later it’s still here, the boys love it and it hasn’t lost its novelty value.
How to
So today we thought we’d share the love and film a step by step video tutorial on how to build your own here. However, please take our advice when we say “Make it when the kids are in bed”. You’ll see why.
As you can see, it didn’t take too long and it would have been half the time without the mini building inspectors. (You probably noticed the liberal use of the dummy in this one…needs must and all that)
Before you get started, here are our
Top Tips:
- Invest in good masking tape
- Pick a sturdy box which fits the room you’re putting it in
- Look through the plans first
- Go on Pinterest to get ideas for how to decorate it
- Ensure the kids are either asleep or entertained by someone else when you’re making the house
- Once complete, hide in it when the kids are driving you mad!
We hope you enjoy making yours and remember to send over your pictures of the final articles.
Watch the video or use our super helpful factsheet below for instructions.