Feeding Essentials from Tommee Tippee
Well, we were lucky enough to be sent a Tommee Tippee feeding haul!!! Pretty much all bases were covered! Check out our video review or read about it all below…
- 3 piece cutlery set (knife, fork and spoon)
- 3 Section plate (Suction pad is available separately)
- Wipeable Scoop bib
- Clever snack pot
- 360 cup
Tommee has our backs guys. Nearly all of these items have been designed to create as least mess as possible, which is always a winner in our eyes. The design of all of these items really stood out, it was clear someone really understands what kids and parents need.
Snack pot
Lets start with the clever snack pot. We loved this!!! It ended up being a bit of a problem-solving experience for the boys who tried tipping it upside down, sticking their fork in, all in an attempt to get the food out. Eventually they worked out that you just dip your hand through the soft slits in the top to access the food. Through all the attempts no mess was made. The snack pot even has a handle so the children could take their snacks from room to room and we don’t have to worry that food will end up on the floor in the process. This and some of the other items are designed to aid independent feeding and it certainly did it’s job.
The 360 cup
These 360 cups are like something from back to the future! They’re awesome. They’re designed to aid transition to an open cup yet you get the perk of keeping them nice and dry and not needing to mop up the floor. The idea of these cups is that the children can drink from anywhere around the rim, just like an open cup, but the only way they will get their drink out is by applying some pressure to the top with their lip. The design, as with all the items, is really well thought out. Whilst they’re still using handles the handles are slopped backwards to really spell out exactly how to hold the cup for optimum ease. As with the other items this can be thrown in the dishwasher after use. Now, I must admit, Theo got on really well with the Tommee Tippee cup but Finley seems to prefer another 360 cup he has…. Is it just me or is finding the right cup for your kid like a challenge from the crystal maze.
The wipeable scoop bib
When I first saw the bib I thought it looked a bit ridged and the boys wouldn’t like it but I was wrong! Theo wore it for the video review and it totally did it’s job, no yoghurt made it’s way onto his clothes and he wore it without batting an eyelid…RESULT! After a quick wipe down it’s ready for the next meal and if they make a complete mess it can go in the dishwasher!!! I thought Finley was ‘over bibs’ and preferred to wear his food but he seems to have had a change of heart and will now wear bibs again. I think he quite liked the scoop in this one as it collected any dropped food which he could save for later. As it is a ridged design I’d probably use this one at home and take a flexible one out in the change bag to save room.
The section plate.
You can buy a suction pad to keep the plate steady which is a fab idea as it would prevent the classic plate drop to signify the end of the meal. The plate was sloped away from the boys to make it easier to access the food and the sections were nice and deep to fit lots of yummy grub in. It can be chucked in the dishwasher afterwards too….WINNEER! As with the other items they’re all BPA free which is a chemical found in some plastics, so we can all sleep better tonight. ( I had to google what BPA was, but now I know, I’ll be looking out for it)
The 3 piece cutlery set
Again, well designed, all in an attempt to make life easier for the kids and therefore the grownups. The handles of the cutlery are made to make it easier for them to hold and therefore aiding independent feeling. Leaving us handsfree to have a cuppa. They are quite flat which I originally though was a little odd, however when I thought of the gummy stage when their first using cutlery and biting down a little, it would be so much nicer for them. Neither of the boys have a clue what do with a knife (16 months) but I’m sure they’ll work it out in their own time. They got on really well with the spoon and fork though and looked very grown up…..aghhhh it goes so fast!!!!!!!
Final thoughts
As Tommee Tippee has been going for over 50 years you know you’re in good hands and the quality of the products is top notch. I think there must be a team of designers working hard behind the scenes, observing children eat to work out how to make their products work best for us all. Thanks Tommee Tippee designers.
We would recommend all the items but the one that stood out to us was the clever snack pot.
*we were lucky enough to be sent these items for free but we will always be honest with you. As the old saying goes…honesty is the best policy!
See our other reviews here.